Tuesday 6 November 2012

Update on filming etc...

Over the half term we have been filming parts of our trailer and experimenting with new shots, not just ones we initially had on the storyboard. We collected around 20 mins of footage and with rough editing we have around 30 seconds of footage. We're happy with the shots that we've done so far as we feel they are close to the genre and appeal to our target audience. We did encounter a few problems whilst filming, and after discussing them amongst the two of us we feel more confident for the final film where we will go over any shots we feel are weak, and add in some new and quirky shots as all the time we're experimenting with the camera and what looks good to us.

One of the disadvantages we came across when filming was the lighting. For our first filming session we met at around 3:30pm and started filming our first sequence of everybody putting their stuff into the car. By the time it was 4:15pm it was so dark and because we didn't anticipate this change in the weather to be so quickly, we were unequipped as we had no floodlights on us or any source of light on the camera we were using. One of the advantages of having this problem is that we now know that when filming we must meet a lot earlier, as even though we want some night shots, we only want about 5% of our trailer to have darkness, and some of the footage we got wasn't clear at all when uploaded onto iMovie.

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