Tuesday 27 November 2012

Poster inspirations

As our film trailer was inspired by some of Project X, it makes sense to look at the poster created for that film. Below is the poster, which is quite plain and simple but yet effective and catches attention of people around the same age as our target audience. We could use aspects of this poster in ours. I particularly like the caption across the middle of the page, so maybe we could do something similar.

We have used the tv series 'Skins' as quite a lot of inspiration as it includes some very similar story lines and themes that we have portrayed in our trailer. Although it is not a film, Channel 4 have produced some posters to promote the programme, and we found some of these images quite inspirational as they capture the image of young adults and the themes of drugs. An image like this...
... could be quite interesting to use but with our characters looking dead lying on the floor of the forest we filmed the majority of our footage in. This was one of our ideas on our mind map but we have quite a few to choose from.

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