Tuesday 27 November 2012

Poster ideas

Poster inspirations

As our film trailer was inspired by some of Project X, it makes sense to look at the poster created for that film. Below is the poster, which is quite plain and simple but yet effective and catches attention of people around the same age as our target audience. We could use aspects of this poster in ours. I particularly like the caption across the middle of the page, so maybe we could do something similar.

We have used the tv series 'Skins' as quite a lot of inspiration as it includes some very similar story lines and themes that we have portrayed in our trailer. Although it is not a film, Channel 4 have produced some posters to promote the programme, and we found some of these images quite inspirational as they capture the image of young adults and the themes of drugs. An image like this...
... could be quite interesting to use but with our characters looking dead lying on the floor of the forest we filmed the majority of our footage in. This was one of our ideas on our mind map but we have quite a few to choose from.

Thursday 22 November 2012


Unfortunately, we haven't been able to film the main idea of the powder paint fight which we were inspired by a music video of Example's. This was due to lack of time and we were not able to source the materials to do it with. Also, the weather hasn't been too great these past few weeks and therefore it wouldn't of worked as well, and trying to gather all of our actors together on one day to film it would have been a difficulty. However, we do have quite a few really good affects which show the actors enjoying themselves in other ways, so we are not too sad about it missing from our trailer. 

Filming/Editing update

We have now finally completed ALL of our filming. On monday we filmed the boys in the woods searching for another character Chris. Tuesday we filmed the girls in the woods with one of the boys again looking for him. We have been editing all week and have made quite a few changes to the storyline. I filmed an old tv screen with the white noise black and white screen which I thought we could use to make the characters filming themselves look slightly scarier. During our time editing we added this effect in and it actually really worked well. We now only have to add in a few last minute touches to the editing and add our titles in and hopefully will be finished by the end of today!

Thursday 15 November 2012

Yesterday's filming session update

Yesterday evening we successfully filmed two of the characters, Abi and Molly, in Harvington woods walking through messing around and having fun. We are going to edit this footage and the rest of what we filmed on Tuesday afternoon and put that all together hopefully by the end of this week. We do unfortunately have one more scene left to film but I think we are quite safe in the sense that we have quite a lot of good shots and a variety of angles already included in our trailer so far. I think we will be finished by next Wednesday at the latest.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

'Home Video' effect

As the majority of our footage is handheld and mostly flashbacks of Ellen's story, we want the viewer to understand that the characters were filming some of the story on their own 'home video' cameras, which would probably be from their phones. To create this affect we will probably put this red record button on top of parts of the trailer. We were inspired by Paranormal Activity as they have the times at the bottom of the screen for their filming.

Filming and editing update

So far we have got the majority of our footage filmed, with many changes to our storyboard. We have changed our story slightly so that Ellen (the main character) is now being interviewed about the road trip and what happened. This makes our trailer a little bit more interesting and easier to understand. We have been editing this footage the past couple of days to make it more choppy and scary. We found this filming quite fun as it took a lot of good acting and concentration.

We are currently editing the rest of this footage into the trailer to make some of the flashbacks flow and less repetitive. This is quite a slow process and requires a lot of quick editing skills. We aim to of finished this bit of editing by the end of today so that we are ready to film the rest of our trailer and then edit that.

Current filming scheduele: 

Tuesday 13th November (today) -  Film a couple of the group walking through the woods in Harvington at around 3.30pm- 4pm. We will also take location shots of the area we're filming.

Wednesday 14th November - We will film the rest of the footage we need in the woods and possibly re film the car scenes as they were not very clear. We may film the 'powder paint' scene but possibly using another material. This will hopefully be our last filming day although if we find our footage isn't perfect we can easily fit another filming day in.

We aim to of finished all of our filming by this weekend and hope that we have edited all of our footage so that our trailer is complete by next Tuesday/Wednesday.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Filming Update

Today we filmed another section for our trailer, this wasn't included on our storyboard as it was an idea that was in the shadows over the past couple of weeks and we decided to give it a trial go to see how it fits in with the rest of our footage as we are doing a last filming session over the next week, then we will do the final edit.

Below is a printscreen of what is to be expected (if we use the footage!)

Another update of our trailer so far will be uploaded by the end of this week, to show our current progress as we have made changes during the editing process, which includes the change of our current music choice.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

progress with filming

Here is our film so far, we are contemplating changing the music as it isn't fitting with the shots as nicely as we would want to. The editing is also just a rough edit as we imported all of the footage today and did quick cuts and changes on some of the footage.

Update on filming etc...

Over the half term we have been filming parts of our trailer and experimenting with new shots, not just ones we initially had on the storyboard. We collected around 20 mins of footage and with rough editing we have around 30 seconds of footage. We're happy with the shots that we've done so far as we feel they are close to the genre and appeal to our target audience. We did encounter a few problems whilst filming, and after discussing them amongst the two of us we feel more confident for the final film where we will go over any shots we feel are weak, and add in some new and quirky shots as all the time we're experimenting with the camera and what looks good to us.

One of the disadvantages we came across when filming was the lighting. For our first filming session we met at around 3:30pm and started filming our first sequence of everybody putting their stuff into the car. By the time it was 4:15pm it was so dark and because we didn't anticipate this change in the weather to be so quickly, we were unequipped as we had no floodlights on us or any source of light on the camera we were using. One of the advantages of having this problem is that we now know that when filming we must meet a lot earlier, as even though we want some night shots, we only want about 5% of our trailer to have darkness, and some of the footage we got wasn't clear at all when uploaded onto iMovie.


Here is our final logo that we filmed and added a grainy effect and sped it up also.