Tuesday 23 October 2012

Update on Filming and progress on film schedule..

Bianca and I have already started to film some shots that we need for our trailer which doesn't require people. Some has already been posted (the sky moving etc) but that still hasn't been set in stone in terms of editing as we have been playing around with different effects as we have 20 minutes of footage that we need to cut down to around 5/6 seconds. We have also started filming other parts for our trailer that don't require people such as setting. We have chosen to do this as we want to get at least 50% of our trailer done as half of it is landscape. The other half (that requires our actors) will be done during and just after the half term, as we collectively need to gather everybody and have a whole day/ couple of days filming our key shots, as the shots with our actors/actresses in will be the most adventurous.

Over the next few days progress on our filming and film schedule will be updated on the blog, a copy of our music mashup will also be put on the blog very soon and also a re-edited animated storyboard as we are going to put the music with the storyboard to give a rough idea of what our trailer may look like.

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