Tuesday 16 October 2012

Practice Filming

Yesterday, I randomly went on a drive through the country lanes with a friend (another media student) and realised that some of the scenery I was going past was similar to the places me and Claire discussed filming in. I luckily had my camera on me and so filmed some quite shaky footage of the car journey, which is similar to some of the shots we are going to include at the beginning of our trailer. Here is the short film I took...

I found that I like the idea of us filming in the car as it gives the viewer a chance to feel what the characters are and enables them to get into it more. We will film something similar when they go on the 'roadtrip' but not use such a long clip, and the camera shots will be more thought out. 

I also took some possible location shots of the surroundings, this area (Westerham) could be a possible location to use for some of our trailer. Here are some of the images I took...

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