Thursday 25 October 2012

Final Logo FILMED!

As  mentioned before we were in the process of filming and editing our logo...
it is now complete with an added effect of film grain and also we have sped it up.

Tuesday 23 October 2012


As we may have mentioned earlier on in previous posts, underwater shots are something that we may be considering.  Below is a video focusing on underwater shots. We think that if we were to use an underwater shot it would be representative of a lake, but in order to get clear filming we would have to film underwater in a swimming pool, which may take away from the eerie feeling that we want to evoke as the lighting would be blue from the swimming pool. Although, saying this there are various effects on iMovie and iMovie HD that we could use to distort it and make it scary.
A shot like the one above is one that we may consider doing as we aren't completely submerged in water, we are just on the surface.

Update on Filming and progress on film schedule..

Bianca and I have already started to film some shots that we need for our trailer which doesn't require people. Some has already been posted (the sky moving etc) but that still hasn't been set in stone in terms of editing as we have been playing around with different effects as we have 20 minutes of footage that we need to cut down to around 5/6 seconds. We have also started filming other parts for our trailer that don't require people such as setting. We have chosen to do this as we want to get at least 50% of our trailer done as half of it is landscape. The other half (that requires our actors) will be done during and just after the half term, as we collectively need to gather everybody and have a whole day/ couple of days filming our key shots, as the shots with our actors/actresses in will be the most adventurous.

Over the next few days progress on our filming and film schedule will be updated on the blog, a copy of our music mashup will also be put on the blog very soon and also a re-edited animated storyboard as we are going to put the music with the storyboard to give a rough idea of what our trailer may look like.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Skins - Inspiration

As mentioned in earlier posts, influences that we looked at included the teen drama series "Skins" which is based on similar concepts in relation to our film. One particular episode that we looked at was an episode where the group of friends go on a drive to stay at a forest for a weekend. We chose this episode as we believe it would be the most useful one to watch. We spent a lesson watching the whole 45 minute episode and Bianca took screen shots that were useful to us in terms of shots that we liked/shots that we could use as inspiration when filming our trailer. Below are the 5 screen shots we liked.
As you can see in this shot we have a clear view of the forest area and also the tents and an unlit fire. We particularly liked the foggy atmostphere as it gave an eerie feel when we were watching the episode. One thing we would probably want to change if we were to use this shot as inspiration would be the colour of the tents used as in a horror we don't want to use too many bright colours as it would contradict the setting and the audience intention we want to have.

This shot we thought was key as it is one of the first shots when the group of them are in the car. This particular shot we thought would be useful when filming them in the car driving to the place, and perhaps showing the different emotions that characters are feeling. For e.g. Naomi (Blonde at the back) looks unhappy whereas Freddie and Emily look very neutral, and we will take the smallest detail such as facial expressions into account when filming for our trailer. We may also use this shot as inspiration and use a focus pull on the characters faces for added effect.

This shot we thought was interesting as it wasn't a shot that we had in our storyboard initially. We never really thought that showing them walking into the forest would be something that is necessary, but this clear shot of Freddie (Left) and JJ (right) is really effective as we can see their full profiles, and also the two characters behind them. This creates a sense of distance between the characters which we would take into account when filming as not only does it look good, it also adds another dimension to our trailer in terms of creative shots.

These last two shots we thought were interesting as again, it shows distancing between the characters and interaction between some (effy (left) and pandora (right) in the shot above) We liked the night time shot more as the fog was present again which adds the element of fear and eerieness to the scene.

Altogether we found that watching this episode of skins has broadend our minds in terms of shot ideas as we will now find it easier as we can use this as inspiration to create interesting and quirky shots for our trailer.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Practice Filming

Yesterday, I randomly went on a drive through the country lanes with a friend (another media student) and realised that some of the scenery I was going past was similar to the places me and Claire discussed filming in. I luckily had my camera on me and so filmed some quite shaky footage of the car journey, which is similar to some of the shots we are going to include at the beginning of our trailer. Here is the short film I took...

I found that I like the idea of us filming in the car as it gives the viewer a chance to feel what the characters are and enables them to get into it more. We will film something similar when they go on the 'roadtrip' but not use such a long clip, and the camera shots will be more thought out. 

I also took some possible location shots of the surroundings, this area (Westerham) could be a possible location to use for some of our trailer. Here are some of the images I took...

Sunday 14 October 2012

Music Inspiration / Looking at different tracks.

The last couple of lessons Bianca and I have been looking at possible tracks that we would like to mix together to create our soundtrack for the trailer. Below is all of the tracks that we looked at and liked the sound of, we will upload a mix of all of them in a few days time. Some of these videos also gave us inspiration for possible shots that we could apply and use in our trailer.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Additional Inspiration / Research

Holi from Variable on Vimeo.

Above is a video on Vimeo that we were linked to by a friend who thought that we would find this video useful. As you can see the whole video is in extreme slow motion and features powder paints / coloured powder; which is one of the main aspects that we want to include in ours. We really warmed to the use of slow motion, which is something that we hadn't considered that much or looked into in depth. As you can see the camera used for this video is of very high quality, as the frames run smoothly even when put into slow motion. We thought this would be a problem as the cameras we are going to use to film are of poorer quality than the one used in this clip, but we decided to test slow motion on the MAC camera's to see how a movement came out on there when edited in slow motion, as the MAC cameras are of the lowest quality, and if we could create an effective slow motion using the MAC camera, we could create a better effect with the video cameras within school.

Above you can see the short video that we filmed on the MAC cameras which is of Bianca walking at a normal sped past the camera, we then edited it on iMovie with the slow motion effect and found that it had the desired effect that we wanted it to have, but when we use a better camera it will be of higher quality. 

Tuesday 9 October 2012


As you can see we have created a facebook group calling together all the people we are having in our trailer, on here we will discuss availability and times we will be filming. More printscreens like this will be put on the blog in due course.

Animated Storyboard

as you can see, our wonderful animated storyboard. Enjoy.

Storyboard - Part 3 - Finished!

This is our final page of our storyboard, we will be putting up an animated storyboard very soon with more annotations.

Storyboard Part 2

Thursday 4 October 2012