Tuesday 25 September 2012

Timeline for Creep Trailer

This trailer is the trailer for the film Creep, which is a British horror film about a woman locked overnight on the London Underground who finds herself being stalked by a hideously deformed killer living in the sewers below. We decided to use this as our main influence and below is the trailer and our step to step analysis of each shot etc.

Below are some screenshots which caught our eye and why...

This part of the trailer caught our eye due to the angle of the camera, the eerie lighting and the grim picture that is in the shot. We would like to incorporate something similar to this into our trailer, for e.g. someones hands dragging through grass, or a shot of the feet as shown in this clip, but in a dirty forest/field at night.

This was one of our favorite shots which is at 1:24-1:28 which is the protagonist (main character) holding a torch to her face in pitch black. We thought this looked particularly effective and scary, and as it's a simple shot we will also think about using this in our trailer, or something of similar effect.

This shot, which is at 0:00-0:07 is a handheld shot of someone walking through a tube station, with a point of view shot. We thought this shot was particularly effective as it was the first shot, before the production logo and before any credits, and it really helped to set the tone of the film due to the lighting, and the setting, which at first glance may appear as a hospital, but as the handheld gets closer we realize it is an underground tube station. We also would like to include handheld shots as most horror trailers that we have watched include handheld camera work, as it adds to the trailer by making it jagged and unsettling, which is the feel that we would like to give off in our trailer.

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