Wednesday 19 September 2012

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Trailer (2013) inspiration

Above is the Texas Chainsaw Massacre trailer, which I think could be used as inspiration in terms of the beginning of the trailer, as in the first 20 seconds the shots and framings used are very interesting and it's something I think would be useful to use as inspiration when building our storyboard.
This shot and the shot below I thought were really nicely filmed as it's something that looks good and would be easy and practical for us to film/have something similar.

This shot (which is a continuation from the shot before) i really liked as it is shot in a different location but the editing from the previous frame has made it run smoothly and show the audience there is a leap in time, which is something i really found effective and clever. 

This shot I thought could be used as inspiration as we have discussed doing a shot within the car, we wouldn't do something like this as it might be seen as explicit. Instead we would do a shot of someone laughing, or eating.

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