Tuesday 11 December 2012

Back up plan for our magazine poster

If our idea fails for the woodcut print or it turns out shocking then we have a backup plan to do a poster for Empire magazine including all of our main characters lying down in the leaves (similar to this skins image on the right). This idea may be harder to organise as we have found difficulty in gathering all of our actors together at the same time due to their commitments. We think that this would look effective for this kind of cover. We would have to use a bright bold colour title and writing on top of our image to make it stand out as there would be a lot going on in the background of the cover. 

Empire magazine covers are a lot more busy compared to Little White Lies which is more an Art house style. Empire has other aspects of the magazine printed onto the front which shows the reader what else is to come within the magazine. It may also sometimes include other films on the cover but we would have to be careful what we put on due to copyright issues.

Film Magazine inspiration

After looking at a selection of different film magazines such as Empire, Total film and the specialist genre film magazines we decided that Little White Lies was the most appropriate for our film. After looking through their previous magazine covers we decided the one below was our favourite and then got the idea of doing something similar using our main character Ellen. 

We then found this video on Little White Lies website which shows the process of them making their cover. They used a wood cut print using a laser cutter to create the scratched effect. As I do art and have previously worked using a laser cutter we had the idea of taking a portrait image of Ellen and editing it in Photoshop to then transfer to a woodcut print. This could then be printed and scanned in to create an artistic magazine cover appropriate for Little White Lies. 

Saturday 8 December 2012